Friday, March 21, 2008

Weekend Coffee

Hazy shadows of tree limbs rocking in the morning breeze play over my lap. My fluffy teddy bear of a dog lays curled up in the other chair, content after his morning meal and walk in the brisk air. The sun warms me, deceiving me and making me think that we have moved further into spring than we have. I sit listening to public radio podcasts, reading the smart, sassy comments of crafty women and men on one of my favorite websites, and sip my coffee. Preferring to avoid electric appliances that replace perfectly good kitchen items, I make my coffee in a French Press. I feel peaceful as I fill the kettle and put it on to boil, as I grind my coffee beans and watch the grinds tumble into the press, as I pour in the boiling water and stir in the grinds until a thick foam has formed on the top, and as I pour the coffee, a few minutes later, into my enormous coffee mug already half full with steaming milk. Walking to my living room, I think about how I relish the lazy later mornings and early afternoons when all I have to do is sit in the sun sipping my coffee and enriching my mind.

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An (admittedly sporadic) cooking diary.